There’s nothing like the rush of manifesting your first big income breakthrough.

Manifesting cash windfalls of $10K, $30K, $50K or more when YOU choose is an experience like no other!

AND once the dust settles… you’re going to desire more.

Is it wrong or selfish to want this?

No way!!

Money is a physical manifestation of expansion.  It E-X-P-A-N-D-S the options available to you and empowers you to move through life exactly as you Desire.

And speaking of Desire… we are all born with the Desire for more.

So… you Desire more. You claim it as yours. You decide you’re going to go for it…

You’re GOING to manifest a new, bolder money goal…

And sometimes that’s where you find yourself stuck because the way you manifested that first or second or even third money goal, doesn’t always work when you decide to double or triple the amount you’re after.

You see, manifesting your next cash lump sum isn’t likely going to happen the exact same way as it did last time, especially when you set your sights on bigger (more triggering!) numbers.

The good news is, while the “how” might be different each time, there are 3 manifesting habits that pretty well guarantee your ability to create money on command if you take the time to master them:

Habit #1: Strengthen your decision-making muscle

Rapid manifestation – especially when it comes to money – requires decision-making.

You’ve got to be willing to make decisions and move forward.

I’m not talking about deciding what you want. That’s a given.

You’ve actually got to master the art of decision making and to be willing to make decisions based solely on your intuitive guidance. Working from the ether instead of logic and asking to be shown the right next step.

Call this person.  Create this program.  Charge X amount.

Easier said than done right?

I get it.

Most people are so used to researching every single knob-twiddle, hoping to know ahead of time how it’s all going to play out.

But overthinking just gets in the way of making decisions.  Wanting to know “how” just keeps you in the gap of not having it (i.e. anxiety and resistance).

Instead, get comfortable being in the mystery (that space between where you are and where you want to be) and receiving information from outside your rational mind.

The beautiful thing about making decisions is that you really can’t get it wrong!

Even amidst what feels like a “bad” decision you’re sure to receive new information that will allow you to course correct along the way.

Remember… everything you want is already here.  So every decision you make with the pure intention of receiving your goal has no choice but to be a potential pathway leading you closer to said goal.

Bottom line?  Get comfortable making decisions quickly.

Habit #2: Let go with lightening speed

But what happens if you’ve been making decisions at a pretty rapid pace and the money still isn’t showing up? What then?

The ONLY cause of non-miracles is… (drumroll)… resistance.

In other words, you’re holding on to something that needs letting go of.

If the money (or anything you’re manifesting) hasn’t shown up yet, there is SOMETHING you’re still attached to and that attachment is blocking you from receiving it.

Letting go is pretty black and white.

You’re either resisting or you’re allowing. To allow you’ve got to let go (of whatever needs letting go of) and step in to the BE-ing (thoughts, feelings, energy, emotions and actions) of the one who has it.

So what do you need to let go of?

With money in particular, it’s two things:

  • Old habits and beliefs, some of which are unconscious
  • Resistance to the aligned actions you need to take to call in the money

This is where some of the well meaning, “feel good” manifestation teachings out there can really lead you astray.

They falsely leave you believing that resistance is a red flag and that your best bet is to choose what “feels better” and that isn’t always so.

Or, they have you focus on the “negative beliefs” holding you back.  What does that do?  Keep you stuck in the belief!

Want to know a better way to shift your programming?  Create a new experience.  (In other words, create the result.)

When you see the resistance to aligned action for what it is, space is created for you to let go.  The more you do it, the easier it gets.  Which brings me to habit number 3…

Habit 3: Take action, even if it doesn’t feel good

One of biggest reasons people struggle with manifesting bigger and bigger money goals, even when they’ve done it successfully before, is that they’re not willing to take the NEW action they’re being guided to.

One of the simplest and most common examples for business owners is *drum roll please*… picking up the phone.

If you’ve been in my world for any time at all you’ve probably heard me say: “Money comes from the Divine, through other people.”

Meaning, the money you’re trying to call in isn’t going to fall into your lap while you’re hanging out in meditation.

Money moves by ONE thing only, and that’s SALES.

This is why I often challenge my business coaching clients especially to pull on their big girl panties and start picking up the phone when they want to call in a lot of money fast.

This prescribed course of aligned action is almost always met with mega resistance.

“Holy crap, Elizabeth! Can’t I just send an email instead?”

“Who would I call anyway?”

“But this isn’t how I do things in my business.”

“OMG what will people think of me?”

I totally get it.

Reaching out is triggering for most people.  It was for me at one point too.

BUT receiving large amounts of money almost always involves taking action on the things you don’t want to do.  It’s about BECOMING the version of yourself who is willing to take bold, often uncomfortable, action as you’re guided in order to create space for the Universe to deliver exactly what you want.

Think of it like visiting the gym regularly in pursuit of a more toned body…

Until it becomes a habit, most people don’t want to go to the gym.

It feels like hell when you’re requiring your body to go past the limits of what you *think* you can do.  It would be so much easier to cozy up in your jammies for an extra hour. Eventually, though, the endorphin rush becomes addictive and in a fairly short time you see results that make the discomfort totally worthwhile.

But nothing happens until you get off your couch and head to your spinning class or yoga class or whatever it is.

Whether manifesting a strong body or your boldest money goals, aligned action is what actually brings the result in.

Speaking of action, let me sneak in one more bonus habit for you.  Because I love you like that 😉

Bonus habitSet your business up so you never have to create money on command 

Mastering the habits I’ve shared here will make manifesting money an easy to repeat process for you.  AND…

.. despite the glamour of it, really isn’t a great long term strategy.

Manifesting money works… but wouldn’t you rather know with certainty that your bold money goal will be flowing to you, month in and month out?

If that’s true (and if you’re reading this I’m pretty dang certain it is), you want to master the habits of creating money on command WHILE setting up your business as a proper money channel. One that generates the money you desire on autopilot without constantly having to focus on your time, energy and resources on manifesting big windfalls.

What does it take to do this?

First, a willingness to stop looking at your business as it is today as the ONLY way for you to create money.

Then you’ve got to learn the structures you need in place so that simple, low effort actions (like sending out an email) will generate a steady flow of money in return.

And you have to do these things while staying committed to strengthening those habits of decision-making, letting go and taking action.


There you have it,  3 habits to help you manifest money on command and one juicy bonus to get you started on the path towards having abundant, consistent income as an effortless new normal.

You might be surprised at how “simple” these habits seem but making money (and a lot of it) is not rocket science.

Let me know in the comments… Are you willing to let it be easy?

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